Flu and Covid Shot Clinic – Oct. 28
Registration is now closed for the Frontenac Doctors Flu and Covid Shot clinic at the Wolfe Island Community Medical Clinic
Clinic info:
WHEN: October 28, 2024, starting at 3:30 PM – 6:45 PM
WHERE: Wolfe Island Medical Clinic
Please be advised that you may experience slower turnaround times during the October 28th vaccination clinic due to recent Ontario government administrative changes.
Thanks in advance for your patience.
- Please arrive prepared wearing SHORT SLEEVE shirts for easier administration of vaccination.
- Please bring your OHIP cards ready to provide at registration.
- We ask that patients remain in their cars during the flu shot clinic, and that children remain buckled in their car seats.
Frontenac Doctors Patients
If you are over the age of 65, and opt to get your flu shot elsewhere, please let Frontenac Doctors office know. The office reports to the MOH the percentage of patients age 65+ who get their flu shot each year.